Nurshaihov Azilhan (1922-2011) – writer, a veteran of World War II
He was born in the Zharma district of Semey (now East-Kazakhstan) oblast.
He graduated the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. He worked as a deputy editor of the newspaper «Socialistic Kazakhstan», editor of the Pavlodar newspaper «Kyzyl Tu», the chief editor of the literary newspaper «Kazakh literature».
He is the author of more than 40 books: the book of essays «In another area» (1956), «On the bank of the Irtysh River» (1959), «Generous edge» (1960), novels «Love Song» (1964) «Asem» (1966), the novel «The Years of joy and love» (1970, 1972, 1973), the novel «Life of a hero» (1969), «Shining path» (1977), novels novel «Truth and legend» (1976 , 1978); memoirs «Five days with Auezov».
He is a popular writer, laureate of the State Prize named after Abai, winner of the International literary award named after Fadeyev, a member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, veteran Azilhan Nurshaihov was awarded the Order: Glory III degree (1944), «Badge of Honor» (1956), «Friendship of Peoples» (1984), World War II degree (1985), «Parasat» (2005), «Otan» (2010) and the medal «For courage» (1943), «For Service in battle» (1944), «For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945» (1945), «For the liberation of Warsaw» (1945).
The winner of the award named after Abai.
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