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Shakeev N.

Шакеев НургазыShakeev Nurgazy (1929) – writer, essayist, journalist, translator, Honored Worker of Culture of the Kazakh SSR

He was born on 10 June in the kolkhoz «Algabas» of the Aksuat district of Semey oblast. After graduating the language and literature faculty of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, he was adopted by the literary staff of the newspaper «Socialistic Kazakhstan», there he subsequently worked as a head of department and executive secretary. For several years he worked as the chief editor of the magazine «Ara», the publishing house «Mektep», and then worked as the chief editor of the State Committee of the Kazakh SSR for publishing, printing and book trade.
The main form of his literary creativity is art journalism. His essays have been repeatedly published in collective anthologies «Conquerors of virgin lands», «Operation" Life», «Flame of October» and others. In 1965, the author sketches out a book entitled «My friends».
He is the author of many satirical short stories and literary works.
He was awarded the medal «For development of virgin lands» of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. He was awarded the title «Honored Worker of Culture of the Kazakh SSR».



Календарь знаменательных и памятных дат Семейского региона ВКО на 2009 год.- Семей, 2008.- С.13
Писатели Семипалатинского региона: Био-библиографический указатель / Сост. Мальцева О. – Семипалатинск: Талант, 2006.- С.79—80